Prompt: The Moon Phases and Your Characters


I spoken about the moon phases over on my socials a fair bit but a while ago I wanted to do something fun with the prompts so I decided to see what would happen if I applied it to my character writing.

I like to think of each phase of the moon as holding particular characteristics; when I first started noticing and then working with the phases of the moon, it helped me to remember the energy that might come with each phase.

For tis prompt, have a little look at the ‘characteristics’ of each phase (excuse the typo on ‘waning half’!) in the image above (description below) and created a human - or animal! - version of it. Perhaps create a piece for each or, as is suggested above, sit them all down in a circle and watch them have a conversation. Why not pose a questions or suggest a topic first and see what happens when you put pen to paper and allow this to play out?

Consider how each character moves, how they speak; what are their mannerisms and gestures? How do they sit? When they are listening, what happens to their face and body? How do they process information and make sense of the world? Are they fully embodied or governed more by their intellect, or intuition? How does each character feel about the others? Does the way in which they respond to individual characters differ? If so, in what way/s? If they could change one thing about the world, what would it be? What’s their ‘superpower’?

Have fun with this one and see what comes out!

Happy writing, Helen x


Description of image: Bullet journal entry entitled ‘Moon Phases and their Characters’.

Quote: ‘I watch Her through Her cycles / As I did in lives before / And follow down Her moonbeam path / To the secret inner door.’ (D.J. Conway)

Ideas: Write from a/all characters/s perspectives; Sit them in a circle and watch their conversation unfold.

Description of each phase: New moon: Forward-thinker, Visionary, Planner; Waxing Half: Organiser, Action-taker, A little restless! Full moon: Nurturer, Creator, Extrovert, Agitator; Waning Half: Peacemaker, Reflective, Balance of light and dark; Dark moon: Witch, Wise Elder, Healer, Philosopher, Introvert


Prompt: Pathways


Moving through Creative Blocks