About Helen


Hello! I’m Helen, writer and founder of Prompted by Nature and presenter of the podcast of the same name. I live, work and create in Brighton, UK and am usually to be found wandering the forests and seasides of the South Coast and South Downs with my two young children. I am dedicated to making nature writing accessible to all, helping to connect you with your own creativity and voice using nature as your prompt.

A lifelong writer and ‘outdoorsy type,’ I worked as an English teacher for twelve years in South London, Sussex and Spain. I left the system in 2017 feeling disheartened and jaded with everything that had happened but still in love with the subject and the art of teaching. I now work in a local FE college as an academic mentor as well as facilitating community creative writing courses and outdoor creativity sessions.

I am a qualified yoga and meditation teacher, having practised each for well over a decade. I rarely teach either these days however as I am committed to the practice of decolonising my creative and spiritual practices. To this end, I am focused on developing my knowledge and understanding of the indigenous practices of my ancestors of blood and place. I am a student of the Pagan practices of the Celtic nations - in particular Irish paganism, with a focus on the Ogham - as well as of the Druidry of the British Isles.

Campaigning for our natural world is something I am passionate about and I am Founder and Chair of The Benfield Valley Project , a constituted community group (CCG) celebrating and protecting a local green space at threat of development, under-taking litter picks, conservation work and surveying as well as community events. I’m also a member of the Parents for Future UK Council, having been an active member of PFF for the past three years. As part of this movement, I coordinate our partnership with Climate Changemakers, facilitating the ‘Hour of Action’ initiative as well as coordinating PFF Welcome calls

When I’m not juggling parenting, writing my first book, studying and working, I’m a trail runner - making the most of my easy access to the South Downs - book worm and keen climber.

Everything that you have read above is the very essence of Prompted by Nature, and is at the heart of each conversation and offering. Please do explore the podcast and subscribe to my Substack for up-to-date blog posts, plus writing prompts, episode updates and events news.

Thank you so much for reading and for being here. If you have any questions or just want to say hi, please fill in the contact form below.

About the Podcast

‘Prompted by Nature explores the link between creativity and nature, sharing the stories told by those working with and in nature to inspire your own creativity.’

The Prompted by Nature podcast is a series of interviews punctuated by meditations and writing prompts inspired by each conversation. My inspiration for the podcast comes from a desire to connect listeners with a diverse array of conversations about the intimate connection between nature and creativity.

Guests include Naturalists and Environmentalists, Herbalists, Botanists, Wildlife Experts, Foresters, Therapists, Nature Writers and Photographers, Outdoor/Wilderness Guides, Rangers, Artists, Makers, Climate Change Activists and so any more inspiring souls using their creativity to work in and with nature.

Meditations & writing prompts help you to engage with the concepts and issues explored in each conversation.

Please explore the latest episodes by using the ‘podcast’ navigation tab above.