4.4b The Interconnectedness of All Things: Creative Prompt for Lydia Needle

As I mentioned in the episode (listen below or on your favoured podcast platform), the images I wanted to add to this prompt are too many to fit under the main episode post so I’ve created a whole new one! All artists’ names are active links and will take you to their respective websites.

In this prompt, you can listen to Miriam Sheppard talk about her piece ‘The Imperfect Perfect Lawn’ (pictured below) and use this as inspiration for your own writing or art. I also mentioned the audio of the poem by Penny Stapleton, for her piece with Hazel Mountford, please find the link here and have a listen to this gorgeous piece of writing. Perhaps use it to inspire your own!

Most of the pieces below, including Lydia’s gorgeous bees, are available to purchase via the Ace Arts website here

Enjoy this and let me know how you get on if you use it.

Happy creating!

Helen x

Lasioglossum Rufitarse - Imperfect Perfect Lawn Miriam Sheppard

Andrena Tibiallis Book of Hours - Hazel Mountford and Penny Stapleford


4.5 Cheryl Duerden ‘In a Land of Giants: Empathetic Forestry’


4.4 Lydia Needle: Fifty Bees - The Interconnectedness of All Things